
Saturday, March 19, 2005

ePresence evolution

I checked in at the KMDI's blog and happened across a post regarding their new "light setup v2.7" which looks very slick.

In the ~7 years I've been following the work of all those at the Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto I've been repeatedly impressed by their efforts in the design and implementation of knowledge media.

The evolution of ePresence has been particularly interesting to me in that it has provided me the opportunity to "engage" and "participate" in webcasts over the years.

The "scalability" offered in their latest release, being able to 'cast with a "laptop, video camcorder, and usb capture box" on an open source platform, means fantastic opportunities in terms of accessibility. Suddenly multimedia is avaiable to so many more for use in production of "conceptual artifacts" (Bereiter, 2002).

Archived and available for future reference by both the author/contributor/participant/audience of a given 'cast and current and future stakeholders of the larger community, these "artifacts" are valuable for recording learning with and about technology.

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